Rules :
It's harder than it looks!
Copy to your own note , erase my answers, and enter yours, and tag 10 people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real ...nothing made up!
If the person before you had the first same initial, you must use different answers.
You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name? IMHAR
2. A four letter word? ITCH
4. A girl's name ? IFFAH HURIYYAH (sangat islamik!!hehehe)
5. An occupation ? INTERIOR DESIGNER (waaah Casaku Impiana!!Imhar Wong!!cantik kan?cantik kan?lol)
6. A Color? INDIGO
7. Something you wear ? INDIANS JACKET
8. A food? ICE CREAM
9. Something found in bathroom? INSECTS (hahahaha)
10. A place ? IRELAND
11. A reason for being late ? INDECISIVE of where to go
12. Something you shout ? IYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARH
13. A movie title ? ICE AGE
14. Something you drink ? IRISH COFFEE (without whiskey..hehe)
15. A musical group ? INCUBUS
16. A street name? (Jalan) ISTANA
17. A type of car ? ISUZU
18. A song title? IMPOSSIBLE DREAM
19. A Verb ? IMPLEMENT
For me its quite hard since my vocabulary words is not that good!!! My nex prey are..heheheh NONE....blogger out there who feel free to do this tag..by all means, jus do it!!NIKE
# 16 - aci ke cam tu..?
(siap letak ( ) kt depan)
x aci, x aci..!
ialah lah..Istana Road la if in english..ko ni pinky..saja nak pedajal aku kan??huhuhu
Soalan...ice cream tu kategori food ka? \:-)
it is sumthing u can consume kan??definitely not a drink cuz its not a fluid...so??makanan la bah..hehehe categorized as Dessert Food.
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