1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle
2. For each questions, press the next button to get your answer
3. You must write down that song name down NO MATTER HOW SILLY it sounds.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
5.Put this in your journal / Blog
The Results :
1. If someone says " Is this ok ?" ..You say ?
Oh Kasih - Bhumiband feat Dayang Nurfaizah (apa la itu??)
Oh Kasih - Bhumiband feat Dayang Nurfaizah (apa la itu??)
2. How would you describe yourself?
Hanya Dirimu - Siti Nurhaliza (haduh2..abis diriku cemana?)
3. What do you like in a girl ?
Because U Love Me - David Foster feat Celine Dion (Betul3x)
4. How do you feel today?
Ku Peluk Dunia - Ayu (buli ka tu aa??)
5. What is your life's purpose?
Jangan Pernah Berubah - ST12 (yup..bikin heran jugak kan..mcm ngam2 ja jwbn)
6.What is your motto?
Cahaya Cinta Mu - Candra (matila jiwang karat)
7. What do your friends think of you?
Aletly 2ool - Amr Dhiab (hahahaha nda la aku tau apa maksud lagu ni!!)
Aletly 2ool - Amr Dhiab (hahahaha nda la aku tau apa maksud lagu ni!!)
8. What do your think of your parents?
Fight For Love - Elliot Yamin (wow!!macam betuuuuul ja ni..hehe)
9. What do you think about very often?
So Close - Jon Mclaughlin (alalalalala..bikin takut ini tag tau!!hehe)
10. What is 2+2 ?
Inikah Asmara - Dayang Noraini (hehe asmara apa ni..gang bang!!lol)
Inikah Asmara - Dayang Noraini (hehe asmara apa ni..gang bang!!lol)
11. What do you think of your best friend?
Ingatlah Diriku - Candra feat Shiela Majid (Gg n mael..kamu mesti baca ni!!)
12. What do you think of the person you like?
Curiga Meracun Jiwa - Malati (hahahaha lol rotf!!berabis tul aku ketawa ni bah!!)
13. What is your Life story?
Penjara Kasih - Ning Baizura (aiyoooooooooooooooooo!!!)
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Whip Appeal - Babyface (mmmm..no komen aku eh!)
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Ne2ol Eih - Amr Dhiab (yg ni pun aku nda tau maksudnya)
Ne2ol Eih - Amr Dhiab (yg ni pun aku nda tau maksudnya)
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Pretty Like Me - Nikki (BERANGANNNNNNZ!!)
17. What will they play at your funeral ?
I Have Nothing - David Foster feat Charice Pempengco (sadis eh!!)
18. What is your hobby / interest?
Home - Micheal Buble (ya mimang aku suka di rumah..family man la kenon!!)
19. What is Your biggest fear?
Khabarkan - Luscious (teda2..)
20. What is your biggest secret?
When Can I See You - Babyface (siti no komen!)
21. What do you think of your friends?
Rela Setia - Didicazli (waaah..nah kawan2 cobalah untuk setia aa!!hehe)
22. What will you post this as?
Lazem Aaish - Sherine (mengkali la..aku pun nda tau)

I was over joy doing this tag..it was the most interesting tag i ever done..the climax part was when i answered question number 12, the answer made me laugh like hell!! whether its true or not id rather keep it as my secret!hahaha..anyway..im not tagging any fellow blogger since most of them have done it already.Until we meet again daaaaaaaa!!!
Lazem Aaish - Sherine (mengkali la..aku pun nda tau)

I was over joy doing this tag..it was the most interesting tag i ever done..the climax part was when i answered question number 12, the answer made me laugh like hell!! whether its true or not id rather keep it as my secret!hahaha..anyway..im not tagging any fellow blogger since most of them have done it already.Until we meet again daaaaaaaa!!!
Hehehe mimang lawak...dapat ku bayangkan style ko ketawa - sorang2 dpn PC...
makde - tu la bah..mula2 nda jg aku sangka gitu..sekali aku buat kan..berabis aku ketawa sendiri..sot btul!!anyway..napa jugak kamu nda muncul2 sudah d ruma mama??kamu satu family di kl ka?
Noted!!! muahahaha... Curuga Meracun Jiwa ya??? muahahaha
hahahha...mimang 'curugu' sesangatz!!lol
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